





Author: Carlos Julia

Career Update

To anyone interested on my profile I just wanted to provide a brief career update, I have been working full time since July 2022 therefore I am not available for freelancing tasks, if you would like to make a job offer reach out by using the contact form of the main website. Happy holidays,Carlos.

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How Colombia Should Collect Data for Decision Making

I was reading The Economist earlier today (the October 23rd edition) and its main topic of the week, third wave economics, got me thinking how countries like Colombia should be making their decisions. Colombia has a National Department of Statistics (DANE in spanish) that publishes data on things like surveys and unemployment every quarter or so depending on the topic. …

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Moving to Finland

We recently moved to Lappeenranta, Finland, near the border with Saint Petersburg since I’m doing the second year of my masters degree at LUT. I’m chasing a double degree option to attain a title of Msc in software engineering and digital transformation. The process of getting physically to Lappeenranta was a bit challenging, given the covid impact on travel and …

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An archimate diagram about drivers

What Are Drivers in Archimate?

When you are elaborating a motivation layer in Archimate you first take care of the Stakeholders. In this article I will address the second step after that: the drivers, what are they and how to model them. Companies (and specially managers) are obsessed with attaining objectives. Objectives are usually big strategic states defined with a verb, here’s an example: Grow …

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